Luhya Tribe – Kenya’s Second Largest Ethnic Tribe
The Luhya Tribe (likewise known as Abaluyia or Luyia) are a Bantu people and the second biggest ethnic group in Kenya. The Luhya belong to the larger linguistic stock known as the Bantu. The Luhya are found in western Kenya and Uganda. They are split into 20 (or 21, when the Suba are included) culturally and linguistically united clans. Once known as the Kavirondo, multiple small tribes in North Nyanza came together under the new name Baluhya between 1950 and 1960.

The Bukusu are the largest Luhya subtribe and account for almost 30% of the entire Luhya population. Luhyas are Kenya’s second largest ethnic tribe after the Kikuyu, making up 14% of the Kenya population. Though considered as one tribe, the Abaluhya consists of over 18 sub-tribes, each speaking a different dialect of the Luyia language. The Bukusu and Maragoli are the two largest Luhya sub-tribes. The others include Banyala, Banyore, Batsotso, Gisu, Idakho, Isukha, Kabras, Khayo, Kisa, Marachi, Marama, Masaaba, Samia, Tachoni, Tiriki and Wanga.
History of the Luhya Tribe
The true origin of the Abaluhya is disputable. According to their own oral literature, Luhyas migrated to their present day location from Egypt in the North. Some historians however believe that the Luhya came from Central and West Africa alongside other Bantus in what is known as the Great Bantu Migration.
The Luhya tribe, like many other Kenya tribes, lost their most fertile land to the colonialists during the British colonial rule in Kenya. The Abaluhya, and more so the Bukusu, strongly resisted colonial rule and fought many unsuccessful battles to regain their land. The Wanga and Kabras sub-tribes however collaborated with colonialists.
Luhya Sub – Tribes
All members of a family have responsibilities towards one another. Several families like that made up a sub-clan; and several sub-clans made up a clan. The clan was the most important family unit in the Luhya tribe. There are nearly 750 clans in Luhyaland. Each clan has a totem; that is, they have an animal or bird or plant which they do not eat, or which they do not touch.
Each Luhya clan swears by its totem. This was done when the person swearing wanted to prove that he or she was not telling a lie. You could not swear by your totem if you knew you were telling a lie as it was believed that the totem would thereby bring you bad luck, or kill you.
List of Luhya Sub-Tribes
Luhya tribe | Luhya variety | Region |
Bukusu | Lubukusu | Bungoma (Kenya) |
Idakho | Lwidakho | Kakamega (Kenya) |
Isukha | Lwisukha | Kakamega (Kenya) |
Kabras | Lukabarasi | Kakamega (Kenya) |
Khayo | Olukhayo | Busia (Kenya) |
Kisa | Olushisa | Butere/Mumias (Kenya) |
Maragoli | Lulogooli | Maragoli, Vihiga (Kenya) |
Marachi | Olumarachi/Bumarachi | Busia (Kenya) |
Marama | Olumarama | Butere/Mumias (Kenya) |
Nyala | Lunyala (east), Lunyala (west) | Busia (Kenya) |
Nyole | Lonyole (Uganda), Olunyore (Kenya) | Vihiga (Kenya), Tororo (Uganda) |
Samia | Lusamia | Busia, [Busia District, Uganda] – Uganda |
Tachoni | Lutachoni | Lugari, Malava (Kenya) |
Tiriki | Lutirichi | Vihiga (Kenya) |
Tsotso | Olutsotso | Kakamega (Kenya) |
Wanga | Oluwanga | Butere/Mumias (Kenya) |
Luhya Tribe Language – Luhya Names
Here are some typical Luhya names which are not borrowed: These names are predominantly Bukusu and Bunyala..
Boy – Girl – Meaning
- Wafula – Nafula – During rain
- Wasike – Nasike – During locusts
- Wabwire – Nabwire – During Nightfall
- Wanjala – Nanjala – During famine
- Wekesa – Nekesa – During harvest
- Wamalwa – Namalwa – Beer brewing
Names for twins: The first to come is called Balongo and the other Mukhwana. In western Luhyaland they are called Apiyo and Adongo, respectively. Again there is Luo influence in this.
Removing teeth: The Luos remove six teeth of the lower jaw at puberty. The western Luhya also remove six due to Luo influence. But the Luhya of the east remove four, if at all.
Tattooing: Luo women used to tattoo their abdomens and foreheads as well as the back. Some Luhya also did this.
Luhya Tribe – Culture and Lifestyle
Traditionally, the extended family and the clan were at the centre of the Luhya culture. Luhyas practiced polygamy, and a man got more respect depending on the number of wives he had. This is because only a very wealthy man could afford to pay dowry (bride price) for several wives. Dowry was paid in the form of cattle, sheep, or goats. Today, polygamy is no longer widely practiced, but dowry payment is still revered in some Luhya communities. Instead of giving cattle, sheep, or goats as bride price, one may pay dowry in form of money. However, marrying from one’s clan is considered taboo.
Traditional male circumcision is an important ritual in most Luhya sub-tribes. It marks the initiation from boyhood to manhood. The modern and educated Luhyas today choose to circumcise their sons in hospitals upon birth. However, among some sections of the Bukusu and Tachoni, traditional circumcision ceremonies still take place every August and December.
Luhya People and Sports
Luhya people are very enthusiastic about sports especially rugby and soccer. AFC Leopards is one soccer club that enjoys wide support among many Luhyas as it was considered to be their own. The club was formed in the early 1960s as Abaluhya Football Club, and has traditionally had bitter rivalry with Gor Mahia FC, a club associated with the Luo.
In Kenya’s football history, AFC Leopards and Gor Mahia FC were for a long time the best soccer teams in the country producing most of the players in the national soccer team, the Harambee stars.
Up to this day, traditional bullfighting is viewed as a sport activity among sections of the Luhya ethnic tribe. The annual bullfighting competition attracts many spectators, among them Dr. Bonny Khalwale, the current Member of Parliament (MP) for Ikolomani.
Luhya Traditions – Faith and Religion
Many Luhyas today are Christians. However, it is common to find some Luhyas mixing Christianity with aspects of African traditional religion. Dini ya Msambwa for example, a religion whose adherents are mostly Luhyas, uses portions of the bible for its doctrine while at the same time practicing traditional witchcraft. God in Luyia language is Nyasaye, a name borrowed from the nilotic luo neighbors.
Luhya Community – Economic Activities
Like other Kenyans, Luhyas are today found in almost every sector of the Kenyan economy. In most urban areas for example, there are many Luhya professionals as well as semi-skilled laborers. In their native Western Kenya region they practice farming and agriculture where they grow sugarcane among other cash crops grown in the region. Most of the sugar consumed in Kenya is produced in Mumias, a Luhya’s land. Other agricultural products grown by the Luhyas include maize(corn) and wheat.
Luhya Tribe – Food
Ugali, known as Obusuma in the Luhya language, is the traditional food of the Abaluhya. Ugali made from either maize(corn) flour or cassava, or millet flour, is usually accompanied with chicken. While Luhyas eat other foods, a meal is never complete without some Ugali.
Luhya Tribe – Luhya People
Luhya Tribe Marriage
How Luhya’s marriage was arranged
This was done in one of two ways. In one case the father of a boy arranged with the father of a girl with or without the knowledge of the boy. In the other case, the boy himself looked for a hard-working girl from a reputed family. He was usually accompanied by his boyfriends. The meeting place was usually in or near the girl’s home. She too came to the meeting place accompanied by her girlfriends. The question was then put to the girl, and if she agreed, both parties went to tell their parents.
Before the boy or his father approached to make the suggestion, careful, private inquiries were made about the girl’s character and her ability to work. A go-between (wangira) was often used. Before accepting – sometimes even after accepting – the girl too caused inquiries to be made about the boy’s character. She also scrutinized his deformities, if any.
After everything was checked, male relatives of the boy visited the girl’s parents to talk things over, and if necessary, start paying the dowry. In some parts of Luhyaland, the boy gave the girl a token (e.g. eshitiri, a bangle) to indicate that they were now engaged.
The Luhya wedding feast
When the parents and relatives of the girl were satisfied with the dowry paid, arrangements were made for the wedding. (Note: There were only a few cases where the dowry was satisfactory to the parents. It was only in such cases that the type of wedding described here took place) A big feast was prepared, both at the girl’s and at the boy’s home. The boy, together with his friends, went to the girl’s home to fetch her.
There was much singing at the girl’s home. When everything was ready, the boys left with the bride and a large group of girls to act as bridesmaids. These girls sang wedding songs the whole journey to the boy’s home. In some cases, the boy did not come to fetch his bride in the manner explained. Instead, the girl’s brothers and male cousins accompanied her and her bridesmaids to the groom’s home.
At the groom’s home, too, the women of his side sang appropriate songs. There was a lot of dancing, drinking and eating. As soon as the bride entered the home, certain customs were observed.
Luhya Dowry (Ikhwe)
This differed slightly from place to place. Generally, it was done in installments. Representatives of the boy took the items available to the girl’s home where they met her parents and relatives. Usually, a beer party was made for the meeting. During the party important matters concerning the dowry would be discussed.
The items of dowry were cows and bulls. The equivalent of a cow was four goats, and of a bull, three goats, depending on local practice.
The equivalent of a goat was, on average, three hoes. (In some places it was an insult to pay a sheep as dowry.) Every time an item was brought equivalent to a cow or bull, a short stick was cut and marked and then tied on the little bundle of similar sticks denoting earlier installments. The girl’s parents kept one bundle while the groom’s parents went away with another for the record.
These bundles were kept carefully in case some of the animals died and had to be returned to the groom’s home, as happened in some places; they were also kept in case the marriage did not materialize or would end up in a divorce, in which case some of the items had to be refunded.
Luhya Bride or Bride Price?
The final amount or total paid again depended on local customs. In some places three to six head of cattle or their equivalent were sufficient while in others it was more (sometimes much more), say betwen13 20 head of cattle. In other places, an initial number of cattle had to be paid; the number depended on the bargaining power of both parties. The second lot of cattle was ‘customary’ and had to be paid over the lifetime of the marriage.
In western Luhyaland, four head of cattle had to be paid: a cow for the mother, a cow for the father (paternal uncle) a bull or cow for the maternal uncle, and a bull for the brother (usually paternal cousin). When these were paid, there remained many small but important items that were paid to the girl or her relatives during or shortly after the marriage feast.
(Note: Certain relatives of the boy helped to subscribe the items of the dowry while certain relatives of the girl got a share of the dowry)
Luhya Culture – Wife Inheritance
In western Luhyaland, a man married his older brother’s wife when the brother died. Where there was no younger brother to inherit the wife according to custom, a male cousin took her instead. This type of marriage was called okhukerama; it was not practised among some eastern Luhya
Luhya Culture – Circumcision
The Luhya people are still strong traditionalists as far as the rites of passage from boyhood to adulthood are concerned. In Bukusu where the tradition is still strong, preparations for circumcision begin as early as early as two months before when a candidate is required to take a chicken to a local blacksmith in exchange for two bells that he will use to invite relatives to the ceremony.
Luhya Culture – Bells
All candidates whose bells are ready gather at a central point each night and trek for several kilometers rehearsing circumcision songs up to as late as 2. am. As the D-Day nears, each candidate visits all his relatives’ homes ringing the bells as a way of inviting them to the ceremony. A day to facing the knife, a candidate visits his maternal uncles who he chooses to stand by him throughout the process, he is also given a bull as a gift. In Bukusu, the cost of circumcision can be anything up to Shs 20,000 – way beyond the annual earnings of most families.
Luhya Culture – Communication with ancestors:
At dawn of the special day, the chosen uncle accompanies the candidate to the river where he smears him with mud, and plants grass on his head to signify that he (the candidate) is in communication with the ancestors. A group of villagers escort the candidate back home while singing circumcision songs, at this point, the candidate is completely naked.
Luhya Culture – Bullying the boy into manhood
All those who have passed through the process are entitled to bully the candidate as a way of hardening them. The candidate finally gets circumcised at his father’s compound as relatives, friends, and neighbors of both sexes watch keenly and he graduates from an Omusinde (uncircumcised) to an Omusiani (circumcised). After successfully going through the knife, the candidate gets showered with lots of gifts from relatives.
Luhya Culture – Living in Murumbi
The candidates are then isolated from their homes and live in a single dwelling known as murumbi. Relatives must bring them food which they must deposit with the janitor as they must not exchange any form of contact until they are properly healed and a graduation ceremony is performed.
Luhya Culture – Healing period
Usually, the logic is to keep the men away from girls and women to avoid getting sexually aroused since it might cause the wound to tear and take longer to heal. Healing normally takes two weeks if there are no complications. If there are still candidates who haven’t healed after two weeks, this period may be extended but in all cases never exceeds one calendar month.
Luhya custom under threat
Recently, however, the practice has come under threat by critics who claim the practice is unhygienic and exposes candidates to unnecessary pain when one could achieve the same result clinically in a hospital under anesthetics. The issue of training of the circumcisers has also been called into question after reports of boys losing their manhood to poorly trained and erratic abasebi.
Facts About The Luhya Tribe
- The Luhya people are a Bantu ethnic group primarily residing in western Kenya.
- They are composed of 20 distinct clans, each with its own dialect, and are known for their agricultural practices.
- The largest Luhya subtribe is the Bukusu, and their traditional lands are concentrated around the areas of Mount Elgon and Lake Victoria.
The Luhya People’s Legend of the Zebra
Many moons ago, when the earth was new and all the animals were free, Man went out to hunt. At that time there were no farms and no domesticated animals. There was just the sky and the wilderness. It was early morning and the antelope were grazing on the plains with their black and white tails twitching in the grey veil of the morning mist. Creeping up upon them, Man shot one with his bow and arrow. The others took no notice: this was the way of the world.
Man tied the animal’s feet together and hoisted it on his back, but he had wandered further than he had intended, and it was a long way home. After an hour, the antelope began to weigh very heavily upon Man’s back, and encountering a wild donkey, he observed how wide and flat its back was; and how sturdy its legs. And Man had an idea. Walking softly up to the donkey, he put a rope around its neck. Then he put the antelope on its back and together he and the donkey walked home.
Arriving at his hut, Man fed the donkey some grass. The donkey appreciated this and stayed with the man. But then the word went around that donkeys could be used to carry loads. And everyone wanted one. The donkeys became worried. Observing how their fellows were being made to carry heavier and heavier loads while being fed less and less grass they decided to run away and hide in the forest. But it was of no use: man came after them. Eventually, the donkeys called a crisis meeting and the decision was made to consult the wisdom of Hare.
‘Come to me tomorrow morning,’ said Hare, ‘I will solve your problem.’ Arriving at Hare’s burrow the following morning, the donkeys found him armed with a large can of whitewash and a brush. ‘Who’s going to be first?’ he said, dipping the brush in the whitewash. Now donkeys are stubborn creatures, so it took some time for one of them to step forward.
But, when he had done so, Hare painted white stripes all over his brown coat. ‘Now,’ said Hare, ‘Man won’t know you’re a donkey and he won’t treat you like one.’
This seemed like an excellent plan and all the donkeys rushed forward eager to receive their stripes. It took a long time, but eventually, Hare had painted almost half of them.
They were busy admiring each other and standing close together to see whose stripes were larger. The unpainted donkeys, however, were becoming impatient and began to jostle their way to the front of the queue. ‘Stand still!’ said Hare.
But the donkeys would not. In the fracas that ensued, a hoof went into the can of whitewash over it. Hare was furious, ‘how stupid can you be?’ he said, ‘That’s the end of the whitewash. I can help you no more.’ Alarmed at the stupidity of their fellows, the painted donkeys made a hasty decision. ‘Let’s call ourselves zebras,’ they said and galloped away into the bush. As for the unpainted donkeys, they had no option but to stay behind and work for Man. Which is why they are still called donkeys today.
Luhya Myths of Origin
- Were created the heavens, then the Earth
- The Earth had three types of soil: black, red, and white
- Were created a black man from the black soil, a brown man from the red soil, and a white man from the white soil
- The Luhya had a ruler called Mumia who became their chief
- The Luhya migrated from either Sudan or Ethiopia
- The Bukusu first settled north of Lake Turkana at Enambukutu
Luhya Sub tribes by Numbers
- Luhya 3,944,257
- Bukusu 1,188,968
- Idakho 54,661
- Isukha 101,789
- Kabras 136,546
- Khayo 68,703
- Kisa 45,135
- Maragoli 934,926
- Marachi 65,633
- Marama 43,075
- Nyala 227,165
- Samia 84,828
- Tachoni 85,597
- Tiriki 93,393
- Tsotso 92,687
- Wanga 94,190
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